Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 Just pulling out sketchbooks that have 2-3 pages left in them and using them…interesting to rediscover the paper types and textures.

I think this is one of the first watercolor sketchbooks I ever purchased - and I seem to have 2-3 others that are still wrapped in their original wrapping so…good to take on a trip or out sketching sometime.  

Just a little plant in a jar of water with a glass ball next to it.  I was intrigued by the roots but didn’t do them justice…you could spend hours on just that!


Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Delicious colour combination! The acidic background is perfect.

laura said...

I have a stack of partially used sketchbooks. One of two "good" things in each.😀 It is interesting to look back through them!

RH Carpenter said...

That’s, Lisa and Laura. So many sketchbooks unfinished!! My goal is to fill up some that are not filled and put the finished ones together - and then buy more!! Just got a new one with 2 new brushes today = yay!!

Debbie Nolan said...

Had to smile about your finishing up sketchbooks. Have been in the same process except using my beloved Mom's. That makes them extra special because her sketches are mixed in with mine. We used to do a lot of sketching together...wish she was still here - miss her and all our special times. Well didn't mean to get nostalgic! So glad you are finishing yours. Hugs!

RH Carpenter said...

Debbie, what a wonderful thing to have your mothers sketchbooks that carry both your works!!