Friday, May 24, 2024


 I must be a glutton for punishment.  Or maybe I just think I can get better if I keep trying.  The 30days/30portraits in watercolor ended and I didn’t do some, ruined some, and did well on some.  Then I jumped right into a short class with the artist, Milena Guberinic, on portraits because I really liked the teaser she showed.  

So that’s done now.  The final one I watched her lesson, then just painted it my own way on hotpress paper using a black and white photo for reference.  Not unhappy with it.  

I hear other things calling but want to keep dipping into portraits once in a while…at some point I might be able to do family and friends…or not!!


laura said...

These are great, Rhonda! I find you portraits very expressive and also, appropriately!, so individual: each is approached in its own way!

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Laura!