Monday, May 20, 2024


 The final two - finished.  Did not do all 30 portraits.  Some just didn’t speak to me and seemed like a lot of work for not much outcome (for me, personally).  But did most of them.  

If you get a chance and want to take some online courses, you cannot go wrong with Sktchy courses - the instructors are great and knowledgeable, fun and creative, and you will learn a lot, whether it’s portraits or landscapes or even Procreate courses.  



laura said...

Congratulations! You are certainly a good advertisement for 30 faces/30 days! I think it was smart to skip the ones that didn't grab you. Your paintings are expressive and various! Great work!

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Laura. It was a bit of a struggle this time but this is a really good challenge and so reasonable in price to get so many artists and paintings. But maybe time to go back to some birds or flowers soon.

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

These are such strong ones to finish on! You have built up a lovely collection over the run of the course. Have you looked at them all laid out together?

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Lisa! I haven’t looked at them all - but did that after your suggestion, even going back to the previous 30 Days/30 Portraits challenge. Some I really Ike but the best ones are the ones that are the most painterly = not necessarily a direct image of the muse but good, strong colors and looseness in the attempt. Interesting.