Wednesday, May 1, 2024


 Again, did it my way first and then watched the video with instructor Liz Chaderton sharing her techniques and style, and did another.

Liz used only 2 colors for this portrait - Sap Green and Perylene Maroon.  I had both colors so used that in the second portrait.  Nice browns and you could move closer to maroon or closer to green, depending on what you wanted to do.

In both portraits, I added white gel pen to the hair to bring back the whites.  

The next one was a bit too hard-edged all around for me - almost a posterized style, taught by Charlotte Hamilton.  Not a style I would ever adopt, but I did mine like she taught.  

The interesting thing about taking these challenge courses is that you get to see several artists and how they work and paint, taking what you like and leaving behind what you don’t like or want to add to your own way of painting.  



laura said...

Great work, Rhonda. It does seem like a great thing to be exposed to and try out so many different approaches!
The Charlotte Hamilton one is very intense.
I like both versions of the other, and I'm amazed you could keep your red/green mix so close to neutral! You found a great range of colors and values

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Wow! I love both of these top two. I would never have guessed in a million years the two colours used in the second. Glad you are getting your mono back, I Hooe it is because you have had reassuring news. Best wishes.

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Laura. I never tried those 2 for neutrals but will have to remember them. I feel, even if I don’t paint a “winner” that I learn some things along the way…even if that is only to let go if the bad ones! Ha ha
Thanks, Lisa! Yes, that 2 color mix really works well..will try to remember it.
News is good for my sister - thyroid tumor is benign and growth in ear is also benign (although has to have surgery next month for ear). Worry really takes it out of me…and I can’t imagine what she was feeling a lot of the time because she tries to be tough.