While taking a break from the carbon pencil lessons, I'm also following along with the free Strathmore online course on gouache. I had to buy a set of gouache to use (really!) because I didn't have the colors she uses. This was a really cheap set I got from Amazon - but the reviews were good so I'm hoping they are good quality (I didn't want to pay $8 a tube for a new set).
I haven't opened them yet but will in the next lesson - which will be painting an eye!
Not finished with this painting yet, but getting there.
What both media are teaching me (the gouache and the carbon pencil/graphite) is to slow down and take my time - work a bit, take a break, go back to it to make changes, etc. Of course, gouache is the opposite of watercolor in that you put down your darks and then lighten then by going over them (I've never worked in oils but like oils in that technique?). So you can always add lights and highlights later.
Rhonda your painting is looking wonderful. Wish you much success with Gouache. It is always fun to experiment with new art supplies. Enjoy!!
yes generally with oils and gouache its dark to light but, it really comes down to what a person prefers :)
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