Thursday, September 7, 2017


This one has gone through some changes.  Mostly, the struggle is with the background that I want to be something but not too much something (as if that made any sense at all).

I darkened some shapes and brought in some more darks here and there to get the eyes to move around the painting.  

Not sure about this one yet.  I think that velvet chair needs to be pushed back in some way.  Shirley would just "destroy" it by taking a rough wet brush to it and smooshing it.  Or maybe the "table" needs to read more as a table and not as a stained glass window...

What do you think?  Be honest, now!


Jennifer Rose said...

good colour contrasts but you are right, the table looks too much like stained glass making the chair look like a hat more

Ginny Stiles said...

You are right.
This needs something.
My eye is busy search for the center of interest.
I am not so bothered by shapes as the fact that everything seems about the same value.
Glaze something. Push some things back.

debwardart said...

I think the coffee pot edge lines up with the black line - would have broken that line a bit more. Live with it a while and changes will come to you.