I worked a bit more on the fluid acrylic painting I began in Deb Ward's workshop a couple of weeks ago. I'm shy some colors Deb let me borrow - particularly the Cerulean Blue - but am making it work, taking my time and doing a little here and there.
What do you think?
I think I have to be more careful to get the grain of the wood in a straight line from top to bottom (some of the lines seem to be slanted inward. It's not finished yet, but I'm pretty happy about the colors and the rusty bits and some of the blues. With acrylics, I think you could continue to work on it for a long time, just doing little things, but at some point you have to call it quits...which will be soon on this one.
Wow, Rhonda...the colors in this are just magical. I find the whole painting just so quiet and peaceful, sorta nostalgic and charming, too. Who says wood grain has to be in parallel lines? Not me!
I'm finding I'm enjoying the fluid acrylics, Susan - you work them and mix them with water just like watercolor so it blends and flows like watercolor - only more intense colors right off the bat. The only drawback - if there is one - is you have to work fast before it dries and sets. Of course, then you can go back in and over it without lifting the underlying paint. I think the photo has it more parallel - but you're right, it doesn't have to be - perhaps that board was warped and turned a bit?! :) I'm glad you like this one - it turned out well and my Sweetie likes it, too (it's from him photo).
Rhonda, I love what you are doing with this lock and wood. I like it as is with not all the wood grain showing.
This is one of my favorite of your paintings. All the metal parts have such great colors! I agree with Susan about the wood grain... you would not use such an old lock on a new door - this door is probably warped:-)
This is looking great! I really like the rust and you blues looks so good.
It's really coming along nicely - looks very rusty! I like the nail you added, too!
Different subject......fabulous painting.
Have loved catching up on your indoor lemons painting and all the stages. You certainly are capturing a wonderful peaceful feel to this work despite the gorgeous colours bouncing off each other. Clever!
As for this one - again the colours simply glow and love the subject matter. My first thoughts of reading your comment about lines in the wood, suprised me - when did nature provide us with parallel straight lines!??
Thanks so much, Ann and SKIZO (I checked out our blog - very inventive and interesting creations!!).
Christiane, thanks so much! You made me smile.
Vicki, thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying this one.
Thanks so much, Deb (you had a hand in getting this one working out but I do love those rusty colors against the blues, don't you? :)
Joan, you're right - as are all the others who commented on this - but I'm looking at the photo while working and those lines are pretty straight - which is odd, isn't it? They should be a bit warped with more character - so that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I still have a few touch-ups to do where I have some pure white spots that my Sweetie says detracts from the painting but other than that, he loves it so it may become a Father's Day present to him since it's from his photo.
Rhonda, this piece has wonderful dimension. Loving it!
Thanks so much, Pam. It was fun to paint!
Wow, love this Rhonda! Those colours are awesome!!!
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