Sunday, August 31, 2008
Challenge: Circle, Triangle, Square

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Figure Started

I used nothing but a 2H pencil - I wanted to start light and work in the shadows much later.

I know, I know - this is acrylic paint - I can cover over anything that needs it without worrying about it acting like watercolor and showing through. At least, I think I can do that. Well, I guess I'm expecting too much out of myself. I've only done 1 painting in an NKU drawing class in acrylic (not fluid acrylics), and 1 painting in Sandy's class using some gesso. So maybe I just don't know how to handle the medium yet. And maybe I shouldn't have painted that large nut yet - it should be more of the star of the painting and I should have done that last.
Oh, well. Don't Panic! That's what I have to keep telling myself.
I went to the open figure session this morning but left after an hour. Our model starts by saying, "I'm exhausted!" So our moderator sets her up for us - laying down!! So what happens? She falls asleep. Head nodding, bodying shifting, hands in a different position and body leaning far to the side - then back - then far to the side again. It was frustrating for me so I left. A shame, too, because she was a lovely girl and I might have made a good drawing. I'll take a photo and upload what I did get done anyway...you all get to see my successes and my failures - aren't you lucky??
Friday, August 29, 2008
Australian Gum Nuts - A Bit Darker + Misket Removed

I did go back and do a bit darker with the colors I had. I got a bit more texture and a bit of batik in a few places.
Then I removed the misket all over.

Next step = put misket back on all around the perimeter and in the whites of the nuts and stems before painting anything more. Have to slow down and look carefully and my black and white pics will help with that.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Australian Gum Nuts - First Layers

I did get some nice texture in this - but the color isn't quite right. Some areas that are showing more cool blue are not that blue but more green IRL. You get the idea, though.
I think I should do another layer to get some nice darks and then I'll remove the misket today and see what I think. After that, it will be time to go in to the nuts and the red stems. I want to keep the nuts pale violet with white highlights.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Color Swatches

Two of the painters in class Tuesday didn't do the fluid acrylic batik painting and worked instead on CC watercolors. I want to do both but need to finish up the acrylic paintings first before moving on, I think. I've started the gum nuts painting - lots of greens and I only have a few colors of the fluid acrylics but am going to add acrylic matte medium to some watercolors (mixed separately from my watercolors) to turn them into acrylic paints and work with them - I especially need a nice violet for those gum nuts! When it's dry, I'll get a photo to share here of where I am with it.
Umbrellas - Next Stage (Done in Class Tuesday)
The close-ups show the texture you get with the fluid acrylics - it just happens - and if it doesn't happen naturally, you wait until it's drying and then drop in clean water to blossom out the colors and make it create the texture - so cool!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Better Values - Gum Nuts Sketch

After I was happy with this, I traced it onto hotpress paper and then misketed out the whites - all the whites in large spaces - maybe I should have done the whole gum nuts? (We misketed the whole umbrellas in the first painting done in class - maybe there's a reason to keep all that area white?). I'll have to think about that. I forgot to misket around the tape, too - apparently, this is to seal the tape so no paint leaks out around the clean edges you are making. I'll have to go back and do that before I mix up any paint...what colors to choose for this? Hmmm...

I can think about colors for this at the same time I make up some swatches of pure colors (warm vs cool) for my next Carol Carter-style painting, too. My main problem will be cutting my palette down to just a dozen or so colors!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
From Saturday's Figure Session

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Full Size Sketch for Gum Nuts Painting
Friday, August 22, 2008
Next Painting - Fluid Acrylic Technique

Now, of course I want to get busy with the pours right away but with this technique it really will help me to slow down and plan more - I really need to see the whites and pale areas before I even mix up the colors for the pours. And then what colors do I choose? I don't want to do these in the 3 primary colors only - want those greens and violets and cerulean blues to shine.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Primarily Umbrellas - Homework Again
Then, when everything is bone dry - bone dry = more waiting. Go have a cup of coffee or read a magazine or get some exercise if you don't play guitar like Nick Simmons while the paint is drying :) When dry, remove all the misket except for the splatters you put in here and there, and you have this:
So what to do next?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Primarily Umbrellas - Class Work 1
The grey is the misketed areas = 3 umbrellas. You can see some large pale areas I don't like so I will need to do another pour to tone that down - this time without blossoms and sprays to lift off paint.

Next step, we do "trickles of water and drizzles of paint" which you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see and I'll explain.

I do love the texture of this - hope it turns out but if it doesn't, it's still learning and practicing.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Homework before Class

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Dinner with Mary
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008

Now, Smudge says when he feels bad, he just stops to smell the roses - and maybe eat a few, too.
Or lie in the sun and let the warmth make you feel good all over.

Or eat something - lots of your favorite comfort foods!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Things to Do Today Don't Include Painting
As workshop participants, we got some goodies on the last day, including a "bad girl" tattoo, a lovely pin of one of Carol's swimmers (I put mine on my camera bag so I'll always see it), a catalog of her work for a show she did, and the fans.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
My Work from the Workshop and Carol's Quotes
"Strategize your painting."

Top: Mayte, Kathy, Roger, Karen, Chris
Middle: Me, Dona, Carol2
Bottom: Sandy, MaryJane, Bonnie
And my favorite painting from the workshop - on day three. I'm taking this to class today to work on a larger version.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Carol Carter Workshop - Day Three Info

Again, it's all about pure color. Working while the area is wet wet wet so you don't get much and working with a limited palette, whatever colors you choose.
She started working on the flowers rising up from the water, using the same colors and working the same way to get brighter color or more muted color, working her warms and cools.
In the studio, Carol would have waited for each wash to dry before going back to the painting and doing more. Why? In order to check the values as they are drying to make sure they don't need to be darker or lighter before the paper is dry and it's too late. In the workshop, with limited time, she used a hairdryer.

Like I said, I didn't get a photo of the finished piece - maybe by this time I was working on my own painting - but I bet Carol or Sandy will share it on their blogs.
Tomorrow I will share some of the exercises and work I did in the workshop and some quotes from Carol that I love.
Again, if you can get your watercolor society or painting group or teacher to bring Carol for a 3-day workshop, you will be very pleased!
Before I met her and saw her work, I was just a wannabe Carolette but it's official now: I'm a Carolette for Life :)