Well, I didn't paint anything Sunday and just did a small start of a painting from a WatercolorWorkshop group painting of a landscape. It needs some work to finish it up and then I'll share. Here's the photo we are all working from...

I've been reading.
I wanted to read Atonement by Ian McEwan. The movie is being touted as the greatest love story since The English Patient, and that's saying a lot. For me, I found it lacking. I actually found myself quickly skimming over parts and it took an interminably long time get to the action for which Briony must atone. Perhaps the movie will be better. And I'm not giving away the secret - just in case you want to read the book or see the movie without having the story spoiled :)
I'm already 1/2 way through another book called Obsessed by Ted Dekker. It moves along well and is a mystery surrounding the Holocaust and the stones of David (the stones he gathered to use to slay Goliath). Interesting and fast moving so far. Maybe I needed that after the slow-moving Atonement.
What are some of your favorite reads?
That "Obsessed" book sounds interesting - the surreal combination of the holocaust and the stones of David is intriguing enough to get me to read it...
Some of my favorite books: 'Kite Runner' (which I am sure you've read), 'The history of Love' (great book!), 'Someone To Run With' (I read it in Hebrew, but it's available in translation to English) - to name a few.
I like the photo! Look forward to seeing what you do with it.
For a relevant read (that's a quick read, too) see The Creative Field.
Enjoy your day!
Nava, it's still interesting and I'm still reading - had to make myself stop last night and turn off the light to sleep. Oh, I loved the Kite Runner! I read it while on vacation somewhere and just delved into it - the characters were so real to me. That's good writing! I will check out the others you mentioned.
Suzanne - landscapes always look easy but I always muddle them up! You have such a way with landscapes - just enough detail and info and no more. I'll check into The Creative Field :)
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