These 2 figure drawings were done in Life Drawing class today - there were twice as many students today as there were the first day last Wednesday and it was a bit crowded. I have to get there earlier to get a good spot next time. Our model was Dexter and he models for the Cincinnati Art Academy and the Manifest Gallery open figure sessions and others, I'm sure. He has a body-builder's body.
I did better on the first version (with Carin helping me get the ankle and foot right) than the second version which drove me nuts on capturing the leg that was in the air. Plus, he was lying down and dozing and kept moving just a bit here and there and especially that leg so each time I looked at it, it looked different! Something you have to get used to with a live model trying to hold a pose for 2 hours, I guess.
If you are offended by nude male anatomy, don't look further...

I can see the confidence growing in your strokes Rhonda. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Ann. I didn't feel very confident but maybe I am slowly learning...
Very nice work. A two hour pose! Goodness that's a long time, no wonder he dozed off. I've always wondered what to do when faced with poses where your view is straight into the model's crotch. Then that makes me question why in my mind that should be different than any other view. But obviously, from what you had to do by marking your blog as adult content, it is different, at least to many folks.
Thanks, Jana :) Yes, he did get a couple of breaks but mostly a 2 hour pose. The woman beside me - who got there before me - was all set up and ready - then she moved to the other side of the room, leaving her stuff set up there which I moved away so I could get more space. It never dawned on me that she moved because of her view! I just figured the foreshortening was a problem for her. I guess I'm naive about such things. Why is it we adore the female breast but the male penis is such an outrage? Hmmm...and I'm changing my blog back the way it was because I have done a search of many many blogs on figure and life drawing and none of them have this offensive warning on them - so why should I?
Beautiful work Rhonda !! I remember about 20 years ago, we had a male model who was, simply put, not shy. Knees & elbows, legs spread... I had to force myself to look,for arts sake, at first. You get over it.
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