Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday, June 15, 2007 - Peony Completed?

Dulled the pretty colors in the bottom leaves - they just took my eye there and kept it there and it shouldn't be that way - it sure was pretty, though :( Oh, well. Then someone in my online group said it wasn't really showing the stem correctly - and she was right (thanks, Doris!). So will tweak that a bit and then it's done.

I intended to work more on the Cool Gators painting but didn't get to it today. I think I had an allergic reaction from something I ate or drank and had to get an antihistimine tab in me and then I was useless (sleeeeeepy) for the afternoon.


Anonymous said...


RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Sandy :)

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

I thought I had commented on this, but I guess it didn't get transmitted. While on the road these things get dicey sometimes!

I like your painting of this photo even better than mine, and I thought that one was pretty good! I like your treatment of the sepals better, they look so realistic. Very nice.


RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Susan :) How did you like the Taylor Ikin workshop at Boone, NC?

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

It was spectacular! I learned early on what my problem with Yupo was...too much water! She uses a lot of pure paint, right out of the tube! I liked this a lot and plan to use more of the Yupo paper I have collected. More to follow....