Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mary's Eyes + Figure Model Saturday

My friend, Mary, said I needed to darken her eyes more - of course!! Bette Davis eyes are deep, rich, dark brown. So I did. And I intend to try another, yep, I'm enjoying this, so why not - and Mary is going to paint one of me (as she says, turn about is fair play, right?) ha ha ha. So here is Mary for now...and I'm hoping she'll let me post her painting of me when she finishes it.
And now I'm fifty-one. But it's not so bad - and, hey, it sure beats the alternative, right? :)

I'm working on a self-portait, too...don't want to rush but do want it to be loosely painted so...I need one more step and I'll be ready to share - definitely tomorrow (sorry for the delay but I've been having a birthday weekend so still having fun and sharing family time today).

I forgot to post the open figure session drawing I did Saturday, too. Here she is - a very interesting and curvy model. I enjoyed sketching her.

1 comment:

richard philip dratz said...

I enjoy modeling nude for groups of artists and photographers in Hendersonville NC. I find it very exciting and it gives me a great reason for staying in peak shape.