Friday, January 11, 2008

Little Landscape - WcW Group Project + Radial Girls Finished

I've been having some internet problems connecting for a couple of days now so I'm posting early while my connection is working. Hopefully, my ISP will solve the problem (they admit they have today) they said wasn't their problem 2 days ago. Since when did it become standard operating procedure to "first deny any fault" in all areas of life?
Here's the start of the group project (a landscape) at WatercolorWorkshop.

After misketing the foreground weeds, and darkening areas, here it is. I liked it better before I putzed with it. Landscapes are not my forte by any means!

And I finally went back to Radial Girls and worked on them more - working with the design and darks. I think it's finished. Comments welcome. This January challenge by Myrna is really showing up my defects as a painter! Whew! Well, maybe it's not defects as a painter but defects as a planner?? Yep, I have to admit it. I jump in all excited and ready to go without thinking about where it's going to end up. You'd think, after 5 year's of painting this way I would learn to slow down and think more. Must be a defect in my system somewhere - need a major overhaul! ha-ha


Nava said...

Rhonda, defects? no, No, NO!!

Experimenting is always about the process and the learning experience. Not necessarily about the result.

Looking at the painting, I have the urge to grab a big flat brush and darken the edges around the girls with dark value, using the same value and colors of the hair on the bottom, adding some of that beautiful turquoise at the top. That will make the girls and the luminous grid around them pop!

There's nothing more fun than going into a painting you are not ultra-happy with, and trying to make it work.

(-) A fellow otter :-)

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Nava! You're right - it's just a process so I shouldn't focus on the bad and defects in the result. Darkening the edges around the girls may be what they need - and I may get them back out and try that, too - what the heck, it can't get any worse in my mind since I'm not happy with it but maybe I'll wait a few days and see if I like them more later. (Another otter! Seems like there are a lot of us :)

About said...

Hello fellow otters! It's the playful spirit of the artist...I guess.
I like your radiant girls. A cool concept, beautiful colors.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your project, Rhonda!

RH Carpenter said...

Yes, maybe artists are more playful, Tracy!
Hi, Karen, and thanks for stopping by. Your oils are wonderful! I've never tried oil painting, having been addicted to watercolors for years now, but I admire your use of color and your keen eye for detail (like your fortune cookie painting).