Saturday, June 15, 2024


 Another in the Carnet de Voyage book by Arches - very nice paper.  Not sure they still make these as this is, as I said, one of the first sketchbooks I ever bought and I’m sure that was over 10 years ago.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 Just pulling out sketchbooks that have 2-3 pages left in them and using them…interesting to rediscover the paper types and textures.

I think this is one of the first watercolor sketchbooks I ever purchased - and I seem to have 2-3 others that are still wrapped in their original wrapping so…good to take on a trip or out sketching sometime.  

Just a little plant in a jar of water with a glass ball next to it.  I was intrigued by the roots but didn’t do them justice…you could spend hours on just that!

Sunday, June 9, 2024


 I joined a Facebook group called Free Reference Photos for Artists.  The photos shared there are all free to use, paint, draw, whatever…and even sell.  It is just nice to share the artwork you created and name the photographer, which I did…Ilona E. Stefan took the photo and I painted it on Stonehenge Aqua hotpress paper.  

Since I don’t ever intend to sell anything of mine, I won’t mind painting from another’s photo when something really catches my eye.  

Friday, June 7, 2024



Looking more carefully this time.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 Tried to do a portrait of my sister and asked her what she’d want me to change if I did another one - she said the collar because she never wears tee-shirt collars, always open collars so…after putting whit gesso on the shirt area and then putting in color and then wiping it off and then deciding to go with black for a textured look over the gesso…I finished with black Posca pen (acrylic) around the neck and I think it’s done.  

Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Sweetie has been ill for over a week now.  Started as a dry cough he couldn’t get rid of.  Then turned to cold symptoms but no fever or achy feeling.  Then total laryngitis - it was very quiet around here for a while.  Went to the doctor, got meds (antibiotics even though it’s probably a virus to keep him from getting bronchitis), taking them.  Then he got pink eye!  Doctor sent him eye drops to put in every 4 hours and, apparently, pink eye is very contagious so…separate hand towels, washing pillowcases, trying not to share kitchen things, etc.  And me sleeping in another bed.  

I think I am more tired than he is but I hope this ends soon.  He’s had to cancel everything the whole week and stay home and looks like he’ll need to cancel his Tuesday again…we’ll see about midweek and how things are going.  

So I am trying to keep my mind busy with little art projects…

And wanted to try a portrait of my sister…but there is inner pressure to not mess it up so tighter painting than I’d like…will keep trying.