Friday, August 27, 2021


 Since this wasn’t going to work out anyway, I took some inks and played with this painting.  I guess it’s just practice with the inks but now I’m not sure when or if I’ll use these inks - what made me buy them in the first place?  I should not purchase art supplies when I’m not feeling well - I make rash decisions about wanting things!! ha ha

But Laura wanted some line work on the trunks and this is what I came up with, spending the most time and effort on the central trunk.  


Jennifer Rose said...

the line work added some nice texture to it :)

Ginny Stiles said...

I like it too. What kind of inks are these that you are so unsure of them?

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Jennifer. It seems most people like the added ink work, except me! ha ha.
Ginny, they are Winsor Newton inks and after reading more about them, they are fugitive so the colors will change/fade if you sketch with them for anything that will see the light :(. An impulse buy (darn those ads for art supplies!) that won’t be used for much.