Tuesday, December 3, 2019


The flower is too dark.  Didn’t follow the instructions completely to find out the flower was to be done with just a dusting of the graphite/carbon black on a tortilla so went in and drew it, as usual.  Then, to make it look better, I needed to add the really dark carbon pencil background.  

Oh, well.  I’ll do the next one right - and may redo this one later.  
I like my little bug, though :).  Maybe I should just do little insects!?!

Hope you are having a good December leading up to Christmas and all the presents, family gatherings, etc.  


Chris Lally said...

Only you know how the flower was supposed to look. To me, it looks terrific. Any consolation, I don't follow instructions either...
The bug - yes, another cutie! An awesome series, maybe?
And Rhonda, I hope your neck and shoulders are feeling lots better!

Powdered Toast Man said...

It looks like it is lit up in the darkness.

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Looks great to me too. I love the beetles and the way you have captured the sheen. I always love your drawings... Best wishes.

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Chris. You’re right - comparing ourselves to the teacher is a goal but can also keep us from appreciating our own style!

Thanks, PTMan :). I like that description a lot.

Thanks, Lisa. I seem to like beetles and crawly things, too, but like flowers in color :). Only a few more weeks of lessons to go in the course but it’s been well worth the time and effort - and the new stuff learned :). Val is a good teacher and the demo/videos are very well done.

Debbie Nolan said...

I think Rhonda your flower is perfect next to the dark background. Who says we need rules :)! Hope your December is beginning with lots of blessings. Hugs!

Jennifer Rose said...

awww what a cute little bug :)

Caroline Simmill said...

Lovely work Rhonda. Your bug is amazing!