Friday, December 27, 2019


Beautiful weather and beautiful sunsets on Anna Maria.

The Palma Sola Botanical Gardens are beautiful any time of year and this gorgeous banana plant was showing off for us.

This was the Explorer Tower at Cape Canaveral.  From the 7th floor, you walked outside and could see the bay with the huge cruise ships, the other boats, and the water all around.  Exhibit included about Kennedy Space Center and the astronauts.  (We even saw the launch of a satellite from the Kennedy Center from the yard at the house we rented.  It lit up the sky and soared across the sky.  Pretty cool.  We just happened to be there on a night it happened.)


Debbie Nolan said...

Gorgeous photos - such a different climate from ours...enjoy your vacation. Hope your Christmas was lovely - Happy New Year. Hugs!

Jennifer Rose said...

ooh such a pretty view of the water :)