Sunday, September 9, 2018


Named it the cotton candy magnolia because that's what it looks like to me right now.  I'll change that as I continue to work on it.  

Half sheet, Fabriano Artistico 140# cold press (has a bit of a tooth to it as you can see where the cerulean blue separated in the background).

Better, but still going to push that background back a bit using a glaze of cobalt blue.


Barbra Joan said...

Beautiful Rhonda. I love cerulean blue, and what happens to it on the paper.

Your magnolias, (Japanese Magnolias)? are so pretty. We have them here in Florida and they're one of the first flowers to bloom in Spring . The flowers actually bloom even before the leaves start to come out..
Love the combination of cerulean and the pinks..

E.M. Corsa said...

This is lovely Rhonda. That little touch of green is perfect. Dare I suggest that flowers might be your thing?

Chris Lally said...

Ooh - so nice. You are great with color and glazing, Rhonda!
Cobalt sounds like a good choice! Standing by.

Anonymous said...

wow you did a great job of saving your whites! Is that masking fluid?

Jennifer Rose said...

I want cotton candy now lol :p very nice delicate colours :)

laura said...

Wow, this is stunning. A beautiful drawing too. My tulip magnolia died last winter and I miss those beautiful blooms

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks for the positive comments, Barbra Joan, Elizabeth, Chris, Jennifer Rose and Laura! Anonymous, I didn’t use masking fluid - just worked around whiter spaces.