After reading - and enjoying - the Hazel Soan watercolor book I got for Christmas, I decided I wanted to get back to painting without drawing and see if I can get better at moving my brush (and not overworking areas). You can tell by reading Ms. Soan's words that she loves watercolor - everything about it. But she has also spent a lifetime working with watercolor to master what can be a very difficult medium to tame :)

Using photos Sweetie took, I am working in my Strathmore watercolor journal (140# cold press paper). I try to look carefully at the photo and then begin painting without any drawing on the paper at all. It's a challenge, but I want to do it and I think it will help me get better at seeing before painting!
Sweetie is out taking photos today of the snow - we got snow on top of snow so it's heavy and dense and pretty. It would be prettier with a bit of sunshine but just grey skies today. I hope, wherever you are, you are safe and warm and have some time for creating art.

Using photos Sweetie took, I am working in my Strathmore watercolor journal (140# cold press paper). I try to look carefully at the photo and then begin painting without any drawing on the paper at all. It's a challenge, but I want to do it and I think it will help me get better at seeing before painting!
Sweetie is out taking photos today of the snow - we got snow on top of snow so it's heavy and dense and pretty. It would be prettier with a bit of sunshine but just grey skies today. I hope, wherever you are, you are safe and warm and have some time for creating art.
Rhonda, I love to hear this, as I am a big fan of NOT sketching on the paper first! Use your rigger brush to draw with in paint, and then add water to the edges to feather out the stark lines..... (I know you know this already)..... can’t wait to see more of these. Why not work from your own sketches rather than photos? I'm not a fan of using photos either, unless I have already made thumbnails or sketches from the photos, and turned the photo over. I have not seen the book you mentioned, but it sounds great. Happy 2013 to you.
I like how you're letting the paint do the work here. The forms emerge from the brush strokes
I also love the no pencil approach to watercolour, your foreground especially looks fresh and spontaneous.
A very Happy New Year to you and yours Rhonda (we are extremely warm here, thank you!)
Maggie, thanks. I can see where your style really lends itself to direct painting - no drawing. One thing I don't have = a rigger brush!
Thanks, Kevin - hope you and your family had a great Christmas!
Cathy, thanks. I've always felt like I couldn't do direct painting but now think I may be able to slow down and see well enough without having to draw first. Warm and sunny, I hope! We are definitely in winter, here.
Hi Rhonda. Your painting is fab. Lovely and free with lots of varied brushwork. Not easy with no lines to guide. Yesterday I tried some of Hazel's animal demos from her Brushwork dvd and boy is that hard. It does free you up though. By the way I didn't realise I have got the book too. I didn't recognise the picture yesterday. So across the miles we are working on similar projects. Isn't watercolour just so much fun regardless of what we produce??? lol Enjoy!!!
We've still had very, very little snow this year. It is always so beautiful when it first lands (before car exhaust, dog prints, people prints). This is lovely, Rhonda!
Hi Rhonda, This watercolor sketch is great! I can't wait to see more of this. Happy New Year!
Rhonda, I used to use something called a 'Happy Rigger' ...maybe from Dick Blick....DB also has his own range of riggers. I also like Daler Rowney Aquafine Script Liner no:3 and Robert Simmons white sable 750, rigger no:2.
Robert Simmons White Sable/Sky Flow range of brushes are fabulous in flats too. Hope you don't mind my suggestions.
Hahaha! You are painting without drawing, and I'm drawing without painting. LOL! I'm doing a 75 day sketch challenge drawing with pen and no prior pencil. I started a new blog for it:
I like your sketch. Perhaps after I finish my 75 day challenge, I will try painting without sketching. So many techniques to try!
P.S. This is my 4th try typing the characters. LOL!
I love this way of painting and now very seldom use pencil before I paint. One of the joys of watercolour is the way it creates happy surprises and the freedom of painting without a sketch seems to increase the frequency of these little wonders I find.
Keep doing this - it's working well.
Gorgeous washes and vibrant colour. Lovely.
Laura, she makes those animals look SO EASY and I know they are not - haven't tried them but think I might just to play with my brush strokes and see if I can even come close.
Thanks, Sherry and Jane :)
Maggie, I never mind when I get suggestions for new art supplies! I may have to write these down for my next order (Sweetie needs some more photomount cards so I will add that to his order).
Hey, Michelle! Haven't heard from you in ages - will pop over to check out your pen drawings!
Vandy, I know you can do this - and I hope I can get to some comfortable point with not drawing so much but just painting as I go - I think it has to loosen up the brushstrokes!
Thank you, Mick! And a Happy New Year to you :)
I have been happy with the results of going without sketching and will try to develop that further. I love the looseness and freshness of this painting of yours.
Hi, Susan; always good to hear from you! I hope 2013 brings you good health and happiness!
hey this is alaina. your artwork is so pretty. i really like the one i am commenting on.
Alaina! I was so surprised to read your comment :) Thank you!!! LOVE YOU!!!
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