I had the cards drawn but didn't put paint to them until yesterday afternoon.
All of them need a little tweaking (just some darks/shadows here and there) and they will be done. I think I have 9 cards now and I may make a few more - what I don't give out this year, I can save for next year. Once you start, this is a very enjoyable thing to do. I recommend giving it a try. Just use some envelopes you have (I seem to have lots of odd sizes) and cut your paper to size. Then draw a little or just get right into painting whatever catches your fancy.

Dear Rhonda - how simple but elegant. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.
Fab cards Rhonda. Merry Christmas to you and yours and best wishes for 2013.
Every year I intend to make my own cards - think I've managed it twice. Well done on getting started Rhonda, always half the battle - these are lovely!
Both of these are unique, fresh and lovely, Rhonda. People will enjoy these for sure.
Lovely! I agree with you, making cards is not only fun, but takes you to a zen place! Merry, merry!
Rhonda you make it look so easy and fun.You are an inspiration I haven't done mine and don't look forward to it.May I grumble some more..love to you,Diana
Thanks so much, everyone, for following along with the cards - I have a few more done and will share later this week. Then, I think I am finished for this year. I hadn't done any original cards in a few years and it was fun.
Cathy, I think putting a touch of color to your drawings of your cat and dog and a little green behind them = you'll have a Christmas card!! Loved the look of them both lying around. You could even call it All is Calm... :)
Cool Cards! I bet your family and friends love getting them each year.
Thanks, Carol. I hope they love them - one never knows unless you find out someone saves them all every year :)
I think it's a great idea to make Christmas cards by yourself, and yours are very nice!
Sometimes I'd like to make my own cards anytime, during vacation for example, but I never have the time to do so. At least, for Christmas and new year cards, you can have a little more time to make them (like, if they're not ready for Christmas 2012, they surely will be for 2013... just kidding :) )
Well, if you make them more seasonal than Christmasy, they could work for New Year's cards, Marie :) One could make cards all year long - for Easter, St. Patrick's Day, Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. etc.!!
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