Saturday, December 24, 2011


We are now calling our swap group, who are sending postcards out to each other, The Naked Postcard Swap :)  Why?  Because we don't want the postcards put in envelopes and we want to see the postmarks on the card when it arrives.

Well, my first postcard arrived from Terry W. in the west midlands of England this week, and it's appropriate for the season - some quite jolly holly :)

(If she mailed it on December 1st, that means it's taking almost 3 weeks to get mail from out of the country and my other 2 are coming from the Philippines so I may have a wait for those.)

Thanks, Terry, for sending this lovely little gem of a postcard - the first one in my photo album of cards!

And my second postcard surprised me yesterday in the mail - coming from Ontario, Canada and Jan S., it's a painting of New Year revelry right down to the noisemakers and confetti!

Thanks, Jan, for this bright postcard of New Year's fun!

So to all of you, from me and Sweetie and Smudge (the cat),

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas
And a Bright New Year!


Carol Blackburn said...

What lovely cards, Rhonda. Wishing you and yours a most joyous Christmas and prosperous New Year.

Gaylynn said...

Merry Christmas Rhonda. May all your festivities be joyous!

William K. Moore said...

A fine holiday season to you Rhonda - make lots of art for next year!

Anonymous said...

Perfectly lovely and quite appropriate postcards! Merry Christmas to you and to your family, Rhonda!

RH Carpenter said...

And Merry Christmas to you, Carol, Gaylynn, Bill, and Sherry - here's a to bright, creative, fun 2012!!