Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I didn't feel like starting over on cold press paper so I fiddled with the hot press mess, trying to do the wet-in-wet technique.  Even though the paper was very wet, it still left hard edges on this hot press paper - I think it's okay for more dry techniques but I'm going to the Saunders Waterford paper for the wet-in-wet. 

I did a little practice on the leaves from the Ewa Karpinski book.  She has you lay down the shape with clean water, then begin putting in the colors at different stages.  She talks about the mirror stage, the cool matt stage and the dry mat stage.  It's a matter of timing with wet-in-wet, apparently, and I need more practice.  Rather than start on something big, I'm going to do a few more of these to get the feel of it before tackling the revised Caw Girl 2 on better paper.

When working on these little leaves, you have to stay and wait and watch the water on the paper and go in at the right time to get the look you want.  I was getting tired by the 4th one and took a break - for too long - so when I returned, the 4th and 5th leaves were dry.  I will rewet them and go back in and do more...

I definitely have a huge respect for watercolorists who work wet-in-wet and get beautiful results!  I'll get there someday - just not today.

My back is flaring up - the upper back now which never hurt before.  I guess this is just going to be a constant thing with me now :(


Christiane Kingsley said...

Rhonda, I really admire you for all the study and practice that you do! I am awful at wet-in-wet, but instead of trying to improve like you, I just shy away from it.

A Carol Carter workshop in your near future, you are sooooooooo lucky!

Take care of your back.

Jeanette Jobson said...

Painting techniques take lots of practice to know just when to add paint or water or dab it all out.

Persevere and you'll get there. You can recognize some of your problems with the medium and that's good.

Personally I rarely use watercolour paper less than 200lb in weight. I hate stretching and I hate paper buckling, and the heavier papers can withstand a lot of abuse.

I also think working out technique and colour on a small scale first is so very helpful. Saves a lot of angst for a large piece when I know just how pigment and water will react.

Hope your back feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

I really love the end result on Caw Girl 2. I think it looks awesome and oh so amazing. The leaves look phenomenal as well. I wish I could do so well.

irinapictures said...

Rhonda, I am glad to see your dedication to learning in your blog. You teach and inspire us, too. Thank you.

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Christiane. I have so much to learn and so little time - and I love Carol's work and style so hope a refresher will kick start my year (this will be my 2nd 3-day workshop with her).

Jeanette, watercolor can be very demanding but I know I can get where I want to be if I just keep at it.

Thanks so much, Sherry and Irina!

Unknown said...

These are both awesome! You are so creative! I love your statement, I'll get there someday, just not today. Every day that we practice brings us a little closer to our goals, doesnt it? (I'm reminding myself of that every time I throw a canvas away)
Beautiful artwork, Rhonda!

Pam Johnson Brickell said...

Hot press does take some getting used to but I love the results you have here. An intriguing piece!

hw (hallie) farber said...

I love those heels on Caw Girl 2.

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks so much, Katherine! We have to tell our inner critic that we may not be there today but we're getting closer every single day we get into our studio space or that inner critic gets too loud!

Thanks so much, Pam and Hallie :) This pose came from LiveModels and I get posts every now and then of new posings - you have to buy a certain pose but if you find what you want, it works. I liked that she was nude except for the black heels and thought the crow might be jealous of those great shoes? ha ha

Shelley Whiting said...

Your watercolor techinques are gorgeous. I love how the washes melt into each Other. Lovely impressive work.

RH Carpenter said...

Thank you, Shelley, for stopping by and for taking the time to comment :)