I need to get back to the Twisted painting, too, and see where I can take it.
Deb and Sharon were both telling me about upcoming shows I should enter. After seeing the work at the AWS show, I sometimes doubt I'll ever get where I want to go - but I'm still working at it! That's all I can do - and I hope I'm getting better and more accomplished as I keep working. And someday, who knows, a painting of mine may be in a major show and you'll see it and say, "What was the judge thinking by letting that one in?" ha ha
Thanks for all the info and images on the AWS travelling show. A delight. Would ndot think watercolours could look like these - such wonderful techniques.
Painting with the deck chairs coming on fine. Be interesting to see what you do after removing the masking flud.
I really like those shadows and the bright colorful chairs.
This is looking good! Also, I checked some of the links in your earlier post-thank you for the info and inspiration
You're welcome, Joan :) Glad you enjoyed seeing some of them. I think all the award-winners can be found at the AWS site.
Thanks, Vicki. I've got the masking fluid off but nothing else done - been busy today.
Jane, thanks! Glad you got inspired by some of the artists - there is so much inspiration out there, isn't there? The online community is great!
Rhonda, I love how the shadows reflect the colors of the individual chairs. This is looking good.
Before long, I won't say "What judge let that person in", but will proudly say " Hey, I know that well-known artist." We are always too hard on ourselves.
Dear Rhonda - you WERE in a major show last year! A national show! With all kinds of media accepted - and you got in - remember! Don't sell yourself short.
I can't wait to see how those whites on the chairs shine after you remove the masking, so far it's coming along pretty well, don't you think?
Practice makes perfect, I'm with Deb and Sharon here, put those big girl pants on and apply to enter shows! what's the worst thing that could happen? you already have the no, right?
Deb, you are so right! I was in the Viewpoint Show - first time I tried, too - I shouldn't sell that short when it's not easy for watercolors to get in and recognized (I think because it's local to me...I can just take my painting in and drop it off). Thanks for kicking me awake about that! ha ha
Thanks, Christiane. I've taken the miskit off and am just letting it tell me what to do next.
Teresa, you'll see soon. Nothing done but removed the miskit for now.
First of all, thanks for the 'Artist On The Spot' report of the AWS show, you've introduced me to some new favorite artists.
Secondly, I agree with everyone else; you're a talented artist, and when you get into the big shows, I'll proudly say "Hey, that artist is my blog buddy. You go girl!"
Thank you so much, Lisa :) You're too kind! I'm glad you enjoyed the report from the AWS show. Of course, just my opinion of the ones that really caught my fancy.
I think your fancy and my fancy are very similar. :-) I really like the artists you highlighted.
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