I pushed the larger bird back with some Chinese White. I'm leaving it up to the viewer to decide what it all means because I'm not telling (or maybe I don't know!). And by being vague, the title seems to have two purposes!
I kind of like this one. Now I'll work more on the second painting of crows.
And Your Point Is...?
Watercolor on 1/2 sheet Fabriano Artistico 140# cold press, Daniel Smith paints.
Hi Rhonda, I really like this painting. The geometric shapes make it very interesting.
I think you finished this one just right, Rhonda. Pushing the larger bird in the background makes an interesting compositional element, plus helps the "couple" remain featured. The geometric shapes add such interest, and your palette really works here. In summary, nice job!
Rhonda, this is a great painting. The geometric shapes and colors remind me a bit of a Mondrian.
One of your best!
I really like this one. You stopped at just the right spot. I agree that it is one of your best!
I like it, Rhonda. You really caught the squawking!
I really like the way you pushed the focus on the two birds with the geometric shapes and colors. Looks good Rhonds.
I really agree with Elizabeth. The special light value of the bigger, further back bu=ird who has his beak poking into the other birds' area makes it a special creature, kind of a guardian maybe. The intent works very well, very believable and intriguing with the walls of shapes and gorgeous color combinations. Certainly one of the top paintings you've done. SUPERBLY PAINTED, too!
oh wonderful work....the crows are excellent. I won't take a stab at interpretation, I just know that I like it!
Thanks so much, Cathy.
Elizabeth, thanks for giving me such a good critique on this one! I'm glad the geometrics work as they were just part and parcel of the thing from the beginning (sometimes something comes out full blown on the paper without a lot of thought - and I'm happy when it works).
Christiane and Myrna, thanks so much!! I'm glowing from the praise!
Vicki, Deb and Ann = thanks for the comments :) I'm so glad this one worked...and it wasn't a struggle to do it, just seemed to flow fairly easily...almost a subconscious thing.
Sandy, thank you!!! You are close to what I was thinking towards the end of the painting.
Jeannette, glad you like it - I am watching your crow painting, too :) I think you can interpret this anyway you want. Once it's shown, it becomes whatever it becomes - not always what was intended. But like I said, not sure there was a clear intention on this one for meaning.
This is such a wonderful example of making a piece have dimension...look at how those crows popped out from the background and right in front of that larger crow in the background! I was liking this idea during the process, but now I LOVE it! For all the reasons mentioned in the earlier comments here, to all the ones I haven't thought of yet, this is truly one of your greats. Isn't it fun how some paintings just want to happen?
I like this one too, Rhonda! I really like adding geometrics to a painting, even though I haven't been successful at it myself.
"And your point is...?" is my Kevin's favorite saying. :-)
Rhonda, Great design and focal point. I love the 'mystery' created with the muted crow and its placement. So many interpretations are possible.
Ah! I didn't spect what you did with the big crow, cool! One done, x to go :D
I so appreciate your comments, Susan, Michelle, Pam and Teresa! It puts a smile on my face to know a painting is a success to this many viewers :)
I just love this series.
Thank you so much, Mary Sonya :) Have been out of the loop so sorry it took so long to reply to your kind comment!
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