With all the talk of a blue moon, I had to try my hand at one. Not sure where the mountains came from but they seemed to want to be there. Just a watercolor sketch on 9" x 12" Arches rough 140# paper, done quickly, within nothing in mind but the moon and the heart cloud (do you see it?)
I was up before 6 AM this morning and the moonlight was shining in the window, creating bars of light across the kitchen floor. I looked out and up and saw the bright, white moon shining behind the black, winter limbs of trees. So beautiful and serene.
(My mother was discharged from the hospital late yesterday afternoon and spent her first night since Christmas night at home in her own bed again. That's a good way to start the new year...and she actually is aware, this time, that the respiratory care physician saved her life. Thanks so much to everyone who expressed their concerns about this.)
And Barb, your painting and other goodie give-away stuff was mailed out yesterday. Vicki, your package is ready and will be mailed out tomorrow!
Happy New Year Rhonda. Good news to hear your mother is home. Wishing her and all your family the best in the coming year. Like your watercolor sketch too. A good way to begin the year.
Oh, Rhonda, this is lovely! I've had a busy time lately and not able to check in with all by blogging buddies.
Ah, you had a week! Soooo glad to hear your Mom is back home. You must be exhausted.
Your give away paintings are so precious. Dang! Missed all the fun!
Here's to a calm, healthy, and joyous New Year for you and yours!
Glad to hear your mom is home, and hope she regains her health quickly.
Love it!!
Happy New Year ~~
Good job - I'm glad to hear that you saw the full moon! Missed the post about your mother but am glad to know she is home in her own bed again. Happy New Year! I send my warmest wishes for a satisfying year all the way around!
New moon for a new year,(really not a new moon but it sounds good?) Happy New Year !
Gosh, everyone must be catching up on blogging posts today :) It is so much fun to see so many posts to read and approve!
Happy New Year to you all, blogger friends :) Let's wish for a happy, prosperous and wonderfully surprising 2010!
love your blue moon Rhonda and great news your mom is home, Happy New Year indeed!
Thanks, Dawn :) I hope she does what the doctors tell her to do and behaves - but I'm not real positive she will!! Stubborn woman :(
what a great piece of art to celebrate 2010. let's make art hey friend.xx
I love your blue moon - and the song keeps running through my mind now also:) I am happy that your mother is now home. I wish you all health and happiness in the new year. I can wait to receive my "Freda" package!
Thanks, Joss and Barb :) Barb, she should be there by Monday, at the latest (maybe today!).
Hi Rhonda,
Glad to hear that your Mom is home! I'm wishing you and your loved ones many blessings in 2010. I like your blue moon painting too, it's very serene.
Thanks, Jane. It's not as lovely as your blue moon painting, but I'm not too displeased with it - when I consider something just a watercolor sketch, I take the pressure off myself to be more perfect :) ha ha
So glad that you mother is doing better
Thanks so much, debco17 :) She is on the mend.
Beautiful blue moon and mountains. And yes, I can see the heart!
Glad to hear your mom is on the mend.
Happy New Year.
Thanks, Carol :) This one just turned out without much fuss - that's the kind of paintings I like!
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