I started this in class from the workups/studies I'd done and taken in with me, along with my notebook. I intend to keep that notebook handy when thinking about paintings and working out paintings. Deb Ward (see her blog on my sidebar) suggested I do this and I used to do this but stopped - so glad she reminded me of this very good tool to have when working out composition/color/value/intent.
This is on 1/2 sheet Arches 300# cold press paper. Now I need to determine where I want the darks - and how many darks I want in this. And also I need to determine if/where I want a few hard edges to move your eye around (or do I just want them on the face/body?)Comments/critiques welcome!
A good start with lots of possiblities.
Thanks so much, Bill (I'm going to assume this is Bill unless Lisa tells me differently). I hope the possibilities come to the surface at some point :)
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