Saturday, July 26, 2008

Open Figure Session

I think I was so thrilled to be going back to the open figure session this morning from 9 am - 11 am, I woke up at 6:30 am!! That's early for me! Anyway, it felt great to stop at Starbucks and get my caramel macchiato, and drive into Cincinnati for the session. Although the group is still tiny (only 4 of us signed up for this session), we had visitors from the next class and the teacher from that class - guess it was an assignment to come and draw from a live model. took some time to get the model posed just so and he got right into the pose we'd work on. I tried but didn't make it the whole 2 hours :( so not much to share - just the beginnings of the sketch.

Oh, well, I'm just taking it a little bit at a time - baby steps until I'm able to do the whole session...

Remember those baby steps recommended by the psychiatrist (Richard Dreyfuss) to Bob (Bill Murray) in What About Bob? Remember the goldfish Bob had in a little fishbowl around his neck? That was a silly movie but fun.

It's hot and humid already today and it's not even noon!!! A still, sticky, steamy day. Maybe I'll do some more drawing later but for now....

How about some morning glories (it's about the only thing we can grow around our house so we have them in the back up a trellis, around the lightpost in front and around the mailbox in front - I imagine the mailman hates them because they get so thick and climb around and around and over the mailbox).


Sandy Maudlin said...

So glad you were able to get out and about even if you had to cut it short. Take it easy 'cause it'll take a while for your back to resume normal functions. I like your 'starts' of the figure, too.

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Sandy. I am going to come to class Tuesday unless I do something wrong before then :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh-What About Bob-now THAT'S a movie! My kids and I have seen it so many times. ANd then while down at the Newport Thrift Store, I found a pink shirt with "What About Bob" written in pink on it! Glad somebody else likes it, and good to see you out and about yesterday!
Take care,

RH Carpenter said...

Hi, Jane! I remember seeing that movie for the first time in a theatre in Muncie, Indiana in 1990 (?) or thereabouts. I've watched it several times since then on t.v. reruns - Bill Murray is one of my favorites in comedies. I watch Groundhog Day every Groundhog Day, too - it's a tradition!