Friday, April 27, 2007
Friday, Apr. 27, 2007 - Gator Study Done

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Thursday, Apr. 26, 2007 - Late Birthday Surprise
I think I did a bad thing when I posted here that I didn't get anything for my birthday from Sandy in class - because since then she has given me a little foam roller (for use with Yupo paintings) and a little paint tray (which I actually used when painting the bathroom (yes, it has ONE COAT on the walls now! haha), and a Tombow pen (which is great for doing value studies). And then this arrived!
I'm not sure I want to be reminded that I'm now 50 1/4 years old :) but I love the card!
Sandy, if you're reading this, hon, you can stop now - you've more than made up for forgetting the birthday thing in January!! And now I need to check my older calendars and see when your next birthday is coming up...tick tock...tick tock...
Went out with Jenny today to celebrate her birthday (a week late but first time we 3 could get together on her day off). We went shoe-shopping and had a nice lunch out and I think she liked the portrait or she was just being nice :)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Wednesday, Apr. 25, 2007 - Kennedy Heights Show
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Tuesday, Apr. 24, 2007 - More Gators
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Monday, Apr. 23, 2007 - Classwork Roses + Jenny Again
I missed class last week so that means I missed the beginning of the rose painting/demo by Sandy but since I had it traced out, I went ahead and started on it. I hated it - not sure why but I just don't like roses - and had all one value so Sandy suggested I mock up a "fence" behind the roses. Taped off the lines, put down darks, and pulled up the tape to get the lighter ones. I don't hate it but I'll have to let it rest for a while before I decide what else it needs (it does still have the misket on it that needs to come off and be softened).
Worked on the portrait of Jenny on Clayboard Textured when I
Sunday, Apr. 22, 2007 - Jenny Revisions
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Saturday, Apr. 21, 2007 - Portrait of Jenny
Friday, April 20, 2007
Friday, Apr. 20, 2007 - Painting Gators
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Thursday, Apr. 19, 2007 - Fitton Run
After leaving Fitton, we stopped at the Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park (http://www.pyramidhill.org), a 265 acre park with large sculptures (54 in all) displayed along a route you can drive with little ponds interspersed between the hills and valleys. The rain had stopped so we got out and walked a bit, seeing the little Pioneer Spring and house (in stone) up close.
And then we stopped by Espresso2, a cafe/coffee shop in Anderson Township, where artists Tamara Scantland Adams and Susan Grogan were showing their work as well as photographer Mark Kahles. Beautiful things to feast the eyes upon while sipping the delicious coffee drinks offered there.
A full day so no painting done today.
Wednesday, Apr. 18, 2007 - Gators Started
Finally got around to starting the gators painting and already I don't like it - because I should have started with granulating colors and I think I should layer the colors more.
So I will work on the large (1/2 sheet) painting but also I'm doing a little study using granulating colors to see how they will turn out and which ones I want to use.
Here are some swatches of the granulating paints I intend to start with - I love granulating colors so have plenty of them.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Monday, Apr. 16, 2007 - No Class For Me Today
Here's a very old one I did based on her previous demo/sketch - on 300# coldpress which just sucks up the paint (I've not gotten used to the heavy paper yet).

Sunday, April 15, 2007
Sunday, Apr. 15, 2007 - Come on, Spring!

Saturday, April 14, 2007
Saturday, Apr. 14 - What Happened to Spring?
What happened to spring?
Thanks to the comments I got at WatercolorWorkshop, I added some green to the Little Seas No. 4 painting and darkened under the waves a bit. I also put some of the violet in the water that is in the sky - but it isn't scanning well to show it.
And this is a little card I did for a birthday get-together in June. I wanted it to be masculine. Watercolor and white, black and red grease pencils with a touch of irridescent medium (I was playing, I admit).
Friday, April 13, 2007
Friday, Apr. 13, 2007 - Friday the 13th
If you love your work it will never seem like work. Only I can decide what is beautiful to me. Looking at the AWS show winners, I wonder how many of them I would want hanging in my home for the beauty of it. Some, yes, but not all. It seems we are taking a road towards more graphic work, more strong lines and strong darks in everything and always always abstracted bits and pieces that don't speak to me.
But to get on the bandwagon, stay tuned for my next work: I'm calling it "Cat Parts" and I've got the scissors to cut off pieces of Smudge's fur for a more tactile look to the work. I think it will be a big hit but Smudge looks worried...
and he's packing a suitcase...
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Thursday, Apr. 12, 2007 - 4 Year's Ago...
And the American Watercolor Society has listed their award winners for 2007. Take a look at
Click on the name of the artist and the painting will come up. Wanted you to enjoy some paintings since I'm still out of the running today with the flu...If you could paint the FLU what color would it be??
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Wednesday, Apr. 11, 2007 - Odds and Ends
I also worked a bit more on the little study of Cassie - I have a larger version sketched out but not started and this is the one I put the grease pencil on (which you can see is NOT good for eyes because it gave her a weird right eye - so to be used sparingly on the face). Sometimes you can click on the photo and it enlarges, and sometimes you can't (I'm not doing anything differently so I don't know why that happens). If you can click and enlarge, you can probably see the texture of the grease pencil on the blouse and flower, especially.
No more painting for a few days - fighting the flu...
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Tuesday, Apr. 10, 2007 - Impermanence
Monday, April 9, 2007
Monday, Apr. 9, 2007 - Back to Watercolor Class
Sandy did a demo today of a big ocean wave on Yupo. Yupo is a plastic "paper" used first in the printing business and now discovered by many watercolor artists, including George James http://www.georgejameswatercolor.com and
Taylor Ikin http://www.taylorikin.com.
To get in the mood, I did a few small waves
When working on Yupo, the paint does odd things - it shifts and moves and some colors push other colors aside, creating interesting texture. Now, I didn't get my sky smoothe like Sandy did her sky - even though I rolled it and rolled it with a little roller like she did, I still got spreckles and things in the sky so had to let it do it's thing (you have to do that with Yupo at times rather than fight it).
Here's a pic of the painting with a larger section so you can see the texture you get on this paper. If you like what you have when you're finished, you need to spray seal it with a Krylon matte spray (or something similar). I really like this piece - hey! maybe I have 2-3 paintings, not just one?
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Sunday, Apr. 8, 2007 - Easter
May peace fill your hearts
and may chocolate eggs fill your Easter baskets.
This beautiful little bunny was a spring card from my friend, China. She sent it years ago and I still keep it where I can see it every spring. The green paper is handmade and the little bunny is hand-drawn graphite with pretty silver lettering. Thank you, China, for a gift that renews itself every year.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Saturday, Apr. 7, 2007 - Birthday Card and Lilacs
Friday, April 6, 2007
Friday, Apr. 6, 2007 - Lama's Birthday!
Bowing to the Buddha Within...
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Thursday, Apr. 5, 2007 - China Markers
I've seen Molly Brose use them over and over and her work is stunning - go to
to see her work which I love - each day she puts up something even better than the last day! She calls them grease pencils and makes some interesting textured pieces in her work. (I have the correct URL now - I left out a letter - you should be able to go to see her work now.)