Wednesday, July 13, 2011


One of the things Suzanne McDermott has asked us to do is timed drawings.  Using leaves, we set a timer and then draw a leaf in 1 minute, then 2 minutes and so on until we get to 10 minutes.  This really makes you move and look quickly at what you're drawing.  There is a pressure when you know you only have 1 minute (especially if you're one who fiddles with your drawings, always making little changes here and there).  No erasing allowed - just let it flow!

I enjoyed it and liked what I accomplished.  (Sorry if these are too pale - they are on newsprint using graphite pencils.)

Have you ever tried timed drawings?  Pick something fairly simple and try it!

The class seems full of wonderful, interesting people and, as the weeks go on, we will get used to one another and learn from one another more.  Suzanne sounds (via conference call) as nice as she seems on her blog and I know she'll be a good teacher - but not too lax with us so we have to do our work :)

I know I'm going to enjoy this as the weeks build on one another and I work my drawing muscles a bit more. 

Afterall, we always worry about our bodies and our muscles and strength there but what about our art muscles?  Use it or lose it! ha ha)

Suzanne is having another 8-week session in September - you might want to visit her blog and find out more about it!


Sadami said...

So quick drawings! Nice. Also your new avatar looks good!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the info, Rhonda. You sound like the course is a good one for you. I'll check out her blog for more info.
Nice avatar, I agree!

laura said...

What a great exercise. Drawing can be so pleasurable ... I need to concentrate on drawing for its own sake more

Autumn Leaves said...

Nice job, Rhonda. I have indeed done timed drawings before when I took a drawing class while at PLU. Love seeing what you are doing.

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Sadami, it's amazing how much a timer can help you not fiddle! ha ha

Linda, thanks, I am enjoying the course and I know, going into week 2 already that I'm getting lots out of it - and it's pushing me to draw draw draw! You can check out the course link at

Laura, I tend to separate drawing and painting, don't know why - but if I'm drawing, I'm usually not painting - I need to integrate them more into my life.

Christiane Kingsley said...

Indeed, you really seem to be enjoying that course. Thank you for sharing your reactions with us! Continue to have fun!

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Autumn and Christiane :) I am enjoying having homework! ha ha What a geek am I??