Friday, November 1, 2019


Val was having some time constraints last week so we didn't get our 2nd video for our lesson on Bumblebees and Flowers until Friday.  So I did a bee and then put in a flower, using a photo Sweetie took at a local nature center (he went there when he was mentoring a high school student in photography).  So I had some bumblebees and flowers - just not the flower Val was going to have us use.  

Again, pretty dark, but I'm getting used to the fact that it is the way I do my line work and carbon pencil work - we don't all have to do it the same way!

After I got the 2nd video, I did another bumble and the iris Val sent and demoed.  I TRIED VERY HARD to do the iris pale and'll see if I succeeded in the next post!


Chris Lally said...

Wow, Rhonda! It's just beautiful!

Jennifer Rose said...

'we don't all have to do it the same way!'

Exactly!! we are all different when it comes to art styles and how we work :)

very fuzzy bee :)