Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Back to the birds.  Another painting based on a photo reference Sweetie took in Costa Rica :)  Only needs a bit of touches to finish it.

Remember that song, "hummingbird don't fly away, fly away, fly away...."  Can't remember who sang it - a duo...Seals and Croft?  

Here is a closeup so you can see the hummer (the painting is a half sheet watercolor on Arches 140# cold press paper).  You can't see it but I put down irridescent medium on the globes and the hummer's body before painting (and his eye isn't filled in yet).  Will show again when it's finished.

Are you having a good late spring/early summer so far?  We have a mama deer and her spotted fawn hanging around in our yard and the neighbor's yard (the house was empty for a long time so they felt safe in the woods behind their house).  The fawn stays over there because he's too tiny to jump the fence (yet), but mama comes over and eats our clover and violets and other stuff in our yard, including the bird seed I put out on the ground for Donald and Daisy (the two mallard ducks that visit our pool every spring).  It is a nice menagerie of animals around here.


Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Rhonda - not only is the subject a favorite but those colors you selected for this beautiful painting are such happy colors. What an uplifting work of art friend. Just love it! Hugs

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Beautiful! I would love to see hummingbirds. You are so lucky having deer visit. We have the robins feeding their young, a very busy daddy blackbird, some blue tits and next doors patroling cats. They might not patrol our garden for too much longer though... ;o)

Chris Lally said...

Ah, the 70's. Seals and Crofts it was.
And the painting! Wow! So creatively done, Rhonda! It's kind of magical.
Our late spring - all is good around here. The fledglings aren't too street smart yet. My old dog caught one last week and was so surprised, he let it go. Bird not hurt, thankfully.

Jennifer Rose said...

so colourful1 :D its looking great
and I can sort of see the iridescent medium on the globes :)

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Debbie!!

Thanks, Lisa. We are lucky living where we do and seeing all the critters - but now we have a skunk in the neighborhood = not as welcome as deer! haha I DO NOT like the neighbors' cats prowling around, either - they kill so many birds and don't need to be outside if they are a pet.

Yes, Chris :) Thanks so much for that comment!! I can just imagine your dog catching the fledgling and then thinking "What the ???" ha ha

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Jennifer Rose. Right now, I'm in an inky and white or muted color. Don't feel like color for a while...but we'll see.