Sometimes you have this idea and you can't wait to try to get it on paper. Then you think, "How am I going to do this part?" Without thinking more, you plunge ahead...
And realize you should have spent more time thinking!
This is a long skinny piece (11 x 30 inches) and I just drizzled the background colors down while having this tacked to my cork board behind my table. So far, so good. Then I wanted the black feather in there. Hmmm...not great. Too solid and not much depth and can you even tell it's a feather?
So maybe what it needs is a lighter touch on the feather and some drizzles away from it - but turn it another way to drizzle?
And still not quite right but getting closer to what I was thinking about when I started...
Letting this one dry and then...well, who knows? Right now, I'm not crazy about the lines and maybe should soften and blur all that more? Or it may be too late for this one - so could do another and try a different strategy...
It's all this experimenting that reaps rewards Rhonda and I love following yours
This is cool if you turn it on its side.
Good morning Rhonda!... It's not always a direct route from beginning to end in a painting. Neither is the outcome always the success we intended.
But it is about having begun an idea... and what you make of the "learning opportunity" with later attempts.
Go for the gusto. Something stirred you enough to start you in this direction.Trace your way through that initial thinking! You might be surprised what you discover - new!
Good Painting... and Good luck!
Warmest regards,
I'd be the last to offer advice. I like the rainbow effect background and I could easily tell it was a feather in the first incarnation. I'd love the see what you were thinking too. It is so hard for me to get what is in my head down on paper!
Dear Rhonda - sometimes it is just fun to try different things and see where it goes...I think the feather is interesting and wondering if there is a story behind this experiment. Hugs
Thanks, Lorraine, Hallie, Bruce, Sherry and Debbie. I may take your suggestions, Bruce, and go back to the beginning ideas and see where it takes me :) Thanks!
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