Tall and skinny on a scrap piece of Aches.
My mother gave me a box of 22 x 30 watercolor paper. I don't know what brand it is. There is no watermark and the sides are cut, not deckled and rough. It came from Daniel Smith (she ordered a gift card for me and they sent her a box of paper by mistake and told her to keep it because it was their mistake). Now I'll have to look at the catalog and try to figure out what it is - because I used some and it has a nice reaction to the paint and water.
Congratulations! As I do not believe in accidents, I see this delivery as the sign that your watercolors are very welcomed))
Thanks, Irina. I've been using the paper a bit and I think it's okay for small studies but maybe not for big paintings.
Oh! I like your painting very much, it has a 'Chinese brush' look about it--very nice!
I had to giggle when I read the title to this post. It does have somewhat of an Asian art look to it.
Thanks, Jane. I was going for that look but didn't quite get it - maybe I should have done the whole thing in Lunar Black :)
Thanks, Gretchen - glad I gave you a giggle today!
It's official, this is definitely an oriental painting! That was my first thought when I looked at it, and after reading the comments of others we all agree. I love these different formats and sizes. They pose a framing problem if you frame them, but they are very eye-catching with their uniqueness.
I like the composition of this one very much Rhonda, it looks interesting and that lunar black does have a way for texxture, doesn't it?
Can I ask for more since you have new paper to play? *lucky lucky lucky girl!*
Susan, I don't mat and frame my own work - mostly because I don't have much matted and framed - so it wouldn't be bad to have this one done by my guy at Bowman's Framing. But I think I may try another one or two in this format - it's very different and makes you work a bit differently, too.
Teresa, your wish is my command! ha ha Would you like just the Lunar Black or should I use a bit of Lunar Earth, too?
Oh you're a sweetheart! Icannot remember how lunar earth looks like but I know it granulates beautifuly too so why not both? the more the merrier, and since we are at this why not adding a cool stainer that's the pure opposite to granulation to react to them too? Maybe a phthalo? blue or green?
Yes, I think a touch of something bright and clear against the Lunar Earth and Lunar Black would work well, Teresa!
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