Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Sometimes you keep fighting, like the Black Knight in the Monty Python Holy Grail movie. Despite arms and legs whacked off mercilessly, you say, "It's just a flesh wound!"

And then there are times when it would be so much wiser to admit defeat. I am admitting defeat with this glazing technique. It's bested me. Going back to what I know and not struggling so much with this.

I got a nice big blossom when I put in the cobalt blue glaze - don't know why more water seeped there, because I was working the same way as when I got the nice yellow and red glazes. So...I'll never be Catherine Anderson with her dozens of glazes. But then, I'll just be me and that's okay for today!

So your painting efforts have given you lemons, grapefruits and limes. What do you do? Fix the mistakes as best as you can and move on. Drink the lemon- and limeade (yum), pucker up and go out and kiss a Frenchman!

I'll pull the miskit off this and finish it but it won't be a great painting - not even a good painting. I bow to those who has mastered the layered glaze. Now time to move on!


Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

Look at it this way....the blossoms give an interesting texture to the grasses! So what if you don't think the glazing techniques work for you, plenty of techniques work very well for you. Just paint like Rhonda, that is good enough for everyone!

Cindi said...

i tried glazing on pears once and i loved the results.. not sure i could do it again, if i tried... there are some folks that can just glaze away and im amazed by what they can do.. wow!! but for me, i do better with the " the fresh... in and back out, QUICK" look!! but hey we have to try to see what works for us!! sometimes we have to do it ten times or more to figure it out.duh!!.. at least i do..LOL

Chris Beck said...

Oooh!! But look at the delicious things going on with those trees!! Yummy the way the green paint pools a bit and the brown trunks fuzz out into the grass.

If you do decide to try doing glaze washes again -- you may have gotten the bloom because water got under the edge of the paper. You can't see it and can't blot it up. I find it's better to tape the edges to prevent that. Not a guarantee that you won't get a bloom, but it's less likely to happen.

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks so much, Susan, Cindi, and Chris for commenting on this process as I struggled through it - and to everyone else to hung in there through it. Maybe another time I'll have the patience and timing and tricks to do glazing well. However, I wonder how often I'd use it? Back to the old style!

debwardart said...

I'm just laughing at your colorful and fun labels on these last few posts! I'll try to remember to get out a 1/4 sheet and glaze and see how I do - AND try to remember to take photos of the process.
On to bigger and better things for you! But another A+ for Effort!

Deb Léger said...

Okay, so what does having to kiss a Frenchman have to do with the lemons, grapefruits and limes??? I have to ask since I'm married to one. lol.

Love the colours in the grass Rhonda. You should keep on with this, just for those colours!

Like Susan says, paint like Rhonda!!!

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Deb W :) Do try it - you'll either get it right or you won't and there's no "fixing it" once it's wrong :(
Deb L - from the Monty Python scene where the Frenchman tells Arthur and his knights: Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries - hence the kiss a Frenchman thing! ha ha