In class yesterday, Bonnie gave me one of her little ACEOs - a painting of coconuts because, when she was in the Bahamas recently at a workshop, she had a breakthrough - yes she did :)
Can't wait to see what she comes up with next. I really like the abstracted design of this and the bold colors.
Thank you, Bonnie (I know you said that, if you open a present in front of the giver then you don't have to send a thank you note - but I like thanking people for their generosity and I think we don't say thank you and mean it enough. I mean, for crying out loud, I thanked the nurse who gave me the IV Monday and it hurt! ha ha).
I also want to send out a thank you to Linda S., who gave me some photos she took on one of her recent trips to India. The photos were of the site of Buddha's first sermon where King Atosha had built a stupa to hold some relics of Lord Buddha. I'll keep them with my Buddhist books, I think. (I doubt that she reads this but maybe she will and since she says she hates sending thank you notes maybe she wouldn't care if I didn't thank her - but I would know, right?)
I think the moon or the planets are in an odd configuration - wind and thunderstorms coming (just heard a loud boom), and people seem to be at odds with each other today for some reason. It's okay, though, every day can't be rainbows and lollipops - how boring would that be?
How thoughtful of your friends. How is your a la Andrew Wyeth painting coming along? I hope you haven't had any bad weather in your area. Stay safe and dry!
I remember drawing coconuts on the trees high up alongside our balcony at a hotel in Goa, but I never thought to create them so interestingly. Lovely chatty posts of recent times. You deserve all these gifts Rhonda and I love the list of your favourite things - but poor hubby coming second to chocolate - Oh well maybe you are right!!!!
Ah, the drybrush painting is sitting waiting - it may take me a month to do it!
Joan, coconuts are so beautiful, especially the orangish ones. Yes, I think he knows he's second to chocolate, too, and is okay with that! ha ha
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