I just love painting this way - prewetting the petals and then dropping in the color with a sable brush (I never used them before and now I love the feel- guess I'll have to get more than 2 of them).
This is just 1/4 sheet - almost wish I had made it bigger so you could just get lost in those colors :)
Thanks so much for everyone's comments on the health profession and for your ability to share your stories, too. As Red Green says, "We're all in this together."
This is progressing beautifully--I admire your restraint in not pushing it to completion. The colors really glow!
Hi Rhonda, I hope you're feeling a bit better. I like this! (I love Red Green - he's so hysterically funny!) I hope the painting is helping you relax. Can't wait to see more....
Seems most all paintings you do start out with this wonderful, fresh look. I love how you're maintaining it as you go. EXCELLENT. You are a natural with wet in wet painting. So glad you're focusing on it! Can't wait to see it completed.
Thanks so much, Laura. I am taking it slowly - you have to when you paint wet-in-wet this way. It would be so easy to go crazy and ruin it.
Deb, I love it when Red says, "Keep your stick on the ice." I have no idea what it means but love that saying - much better than saying, Hang in there.
Thanks, Sandy, I hope I can continue to go slow and layer by layer bring it to a good finish.
Glad you are feeling better - used to get those migraines - awful. I would get the smell of onions just before they started - to this day if I smell onions there better be some in the vicinity! And I still can't have flashing lights (police car, strobe on top of bus, even the "strobe effect" of trees across the road on a bright day) or I'm afraid one will be set off.
Oh, yeah - FIND A NEW DOCTOR!!!
Painting is looking good - GO SLOW!
This is just lovely. Subject, compostion, and color... the whole package.
Thanks, Deb and Cathy :) Deb, interesting that you had the smell of onions before the migraine - I get the classic aura before a bad one but no smells.
This is really lovely.
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