Thursday, June 26, 2008

Marigold Growing

I can't grow flowers.
I can grow plants.
I can grow flowering plants that refuse to bloom.
So I stick with things that are simple, like the clematis around the lamp post and the mailbox and the trellis; like the marigolds replanted every spring. But this hardy thing came up without any help from its own reseeding pod heads from last year = bonus!

Jerry took the photo, of course. Isn't it great to see the beauty in small things?

Now I must get busy with something creative - not sitting in front of the t.v. watching Wimbledon or reading another Brit mystery.


Deb Léger said...

Beautiful shot!!!

RH Carpenter said...

Yeah, it's a good one of a small flower - sometimes it's the small things that make the best photos :)