Saturday, May 31, 2008
More Anniversary Paintings in the Mail + More Work on the Cordyline

Gina doesn't say, but I'm going to assume that's Sam Elliott on the horse - that's my idea of a cowboy!

Can you see all the cute critters running around the inside of the "R"?
And today, Saturday, I received this painting from my dear friend and sweetie/pal Teresa in Spain!!! This is a portrait of White Tara, the Buddhist goddess of Compassion, and this is just fantastic! And Teresa wasn't even able to participate in the current SWAP so I did not expect her to paint something for me!! But I'm not sending it back, no way, no how!!!

Muchas gracias, mi amiga!!!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Back in the Saddle Again...
I was feeling a bit under the weather for the last 4 days but am feeling much better now. Have my errands run and my Starbucks: grande, half-caff, no whip, white chocolate mocha!! and am painting again on the cordyline. Slowly working up the values in the petals/leaves - whatever they are called.

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
MIA + Surprise Paintings/Cards in the Mail
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Cordyline - Steady as She Goes, Maybe...

Saturday, May 24, 2008
SWAP 20 Started

Getting these 2 wonderful paintings makes me want tomorrow and Monday to be regular mail days, too! haha See, ladies, you've spoiled me already :)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Cordyline Redux - Will Be Looser With This One

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Cordyline Ruined :(

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday's Class Work - Cordyline

Monday, May 19, 2008
Jerry's Article in the Northern Kentucky Enquirer
The photos were taken by Jerry (of George, our red-eyed tree frog)
and by a current Biological Photography student of his, Kim Baker (of Jerry taking a photo of a tree frog). They didn't give Kim photographic credit in the story, although they said they would.
The first billboards are up announcing the new Frog Bog at the Newport Aquarium and you might recognize the first little froggie they have used there, too :) George is getting so famous we may have to start calling him Sir George! haha Jerry did the photos for the billboards, too, so look around the tri-state area to see if there is one in your neighborhood. I've heard the first one spotted was on the way to TriCounty on I-71.
UPDATE: Another billboard has been spotted on I-471 south of Newport exits.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
What Kind of Plant Is This?

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Baby Devlin Finishing Touches

Friday, May 16, 2008
Two New Books from NorthLight Book Club

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Nothing to Paint?
Oh, well, time to pick up a good book for a while and let my painting brain rest, I guess.
When you get in a non-painting mood, what do you do? Do you panic or let it ride itself out? How do you get out of it if it has lasted a week or a month (not that mine ever last more than a day or two so I'm not worried yet).
The empty house across the street has a yard knee-high in grass and some lovely irises blooming (which I may just go over and cut and bring home to paint - is that stealing?).
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday's Class Work = Finished Hollyhocks and Baby Devlin

Monday, May 12, 2008
Back to the Poured Pelicans + Hollyhocks
And another bit of dropping in color on the hollyhocks, thinking about what gets pushed back with darker color and what should come forward in the painting. Will probably do 1 more layer of the 3 main colors like this and then go in with a dark mixture - maybe Quinacridone Magenta and Indanthrone Blue - to touch in some very dark darks here and there to finish. The work now will be done in the lower left up to the mid-point of the flowers but I won't touch the upper part again. I want to leave that sunlit look.
And what should I do next? Well, I'm thinking about a baby portrait of our new grandson, who arrived on Mother's Day :) Not sure I can capture that just-born freshness but it might be fun to try!
Flew the Coop

The first photo is by Jerry - closeup of the last 2 getting ready to leave the nest area.
I hoped to see the family out at the feeders today, but didn't see them. It was windy and rainy and maybe too much for the little ones but I hope to see them out there someday together. Afterall, I never even got to see how many were males, how many females, or see any red to their feathers at all!
Today, mama and papa are going to the feeders and then flying away - the babies, although I can't see them from the deck, are still in the trees and shrubs by the side of the house protected and being fed still. Perhaps one day soon I'll look out and see them all at the feeders flapping their wings and chirping to be fed when they are as big as mama and papa!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mothers' Day

This is the card I made (just some paint and collage) to take to my mother today, along with her present.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
More on Hollyhocks + Open Figure Session Today