And this is what I came home with after class Monday:

There is still more painting to do but it's looking like it should, after much thinking thinking thinking from 10 am - 2:30 pm class (while trying to ignore another migraine, I might add - which isn't easy!)
I might get some painting done today but have our 20th SWAP to get together: making sure I have everyone's address, making sure I know who is going to participate in this SWAP, putting the names in my hat and pulling them out, checking that someone doesn't get the same name they have already gotten in the past, sending out individual emails with partner/mailing information, etc. etc. etc. - whew!!
I also have to run some extra postcards to Ft. Thomas (thanks, Carol and Carl for agreeing to do this), so they can be taken to Evergreen on Thursday for the hanging and those Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society members who did not pick up postcards at the last meeting can still pick up a few when they drop off their paintings. I won't be in the show (can't be at the hanging or the reception due to a short travel trip planned with Jerry's brothers and sisters). But I do hope you check out the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society show that will begin with an artist's reception on Sunday, May 4th from noon - 4 pm. The show runs from May 4 - June 15 so stop by and see the work - you'll be glad you did. It's our annual Colorburst @ Evergreen show and it's always a great day when you can view this many lovely watercolor and watermedia paintings in one gorgeous setting (the Evergreen Retirement Center on Galbraith Road in Cincinnati).