Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday, July 16, 2007 - More Bahama Pics

Dixon Lighthouse on San Salvador is one of the only lighthouses still using kerosene to light it - and it's done every evening at sunset by the caretaker who lives next door.

Lighthouse at sunset; prisms inside at the top; the shadow of the lighthouse over the landscape (that's our little blue truck down there).

Alone on the beach...not even another footprint before you get there.


Watercolors by Susan Roper said...


Welcome back, I missed you and your projects! These are beautiful photos, especially the beach ones.

RH Carpenter said...

Every beach on San Sal is better than the last one and all different, too. And I only had to go into the cave (where my husband does research on the cave isopods) once :)