Saturday, March 3, 2012


Pop over to see my friend, Deb Ward, on Carrie Waller's blog.  Deb is the Friday Featured Artist and I learned things I didn't know.  Of course, I can't tell you all the things I DO KNOW about her - she wouldn't be my friend if I told! ha ha

And for those of you who are behind in catching up with my blog, I got to meet Carrie at the recent Carol Carter workshop.  We both drove down (me, alone; she, with 2 little boys in the car) to southern Illinois to take a 3-day workshop from Carol recently.  It is always fun to meet fellow bloggers and find out they are just as nice in person as they are online :)

2 comments: said...

LOL! C'mon Rhonda, spill the beans on Deb.

RH Carpenter said...

Ah, no, I don't tell things like that! ha ha She would then tell things on me!!