Friday, April 25, 2008

Pear Shaped Design - Pushing Back the Background + More Pouring

I pushed back some of the color blocks with blue-greys but still didn't like it. So I took a mixture of Hematite and Moonglow (Daniel Smith colors) and picked out a few blocks here and there and did more. Too much? Too little? Comments on this are very welcome as I'm feeling my way around. The dark blocks look darker in person but you can still see some of the original color coming through the dark mix, too, which I like. I left the blues alone.

Then I poured some more color on the first poured painting I began and poured blue (cobalt) onto the second poured painting. The first one has the misket removed - so it's ready for me to choose a photo to draw out and trace onto the painting (I'm thinking of the huge live oak tree with spanish moss on it we saw in Florida).

The second one still has the misket on but it's ready for that to be removed and a photo chosen for this one, too (I'm thinking pelicans under a wharf all bunched up and overlapping - photos Jerry took on a previous trip to Florida).


Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

For what it is worth, I think the darker colors really enhance those pears and set them forward. I like the hard look of the geometric squares against the soft, graceful look of the pears.


RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Susan. I'm not quite done yet with the pears but almost there.