Sunday, January 19, 2025


 The tech bros and the overcompensating and down-right criminal men are telling us we need more “masculine energy” in corporate America.  I say no, we don’t.  We’ve had that all our lives and whenever we get a foothold in the patriarchy, the little men start whining and banging their fists on things, showing what big boys they can be.  

Strange Art #7 - Shelly

It probably doesn’t show well here, but the hair and the shell-like bits on the sides of her head are irridescent and so is the lighter color in her top.


Debbie Nolan said...

Rhonda you are doing super with people's faces. With the kind of winter you have been experiencing bet you are doing a lot of painting and trying to stay warm. Hope you and hubby are over the colds/flu. I just came through having it for several days. Always wonderful when one starts to feel better. Please stay warm and safe. Hugs!

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

World events do seem to be taking a bit of a turn don't to hope there are enough grown ups to stop it getting out of hand. Masculine energy indeed...toddler tantrums more like. They need a proper definition of masculine I think.

Anyhoo, your lady looks like she has heard it all and will take no nonsense which is just what we need. Best wishes.

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Debbie. I know you are having winter there, too, with snow and cold - it’s been a rough January and still more to go! Sweetie is still treating his cold but I’m not sure that’s wise, considering it’s been weeks. I have gotten over the cold but just feeling like it’s too dry in the house. Spring will come…some day soon, I hope. Hope you are having creative days and enjoying what beauty winter can bring.

RH Carpenter said...

Ah, Lisa, it is a strange time in history, I think. And someone said if you had to have strong masculine energy to be in power now, Zuckerberg was screwed! I think I am painting these mutants and strange women as a protest against all that stuff but now my little art room is too cold to work in and may be that way for another few days…we’ll see. It got so cold we were afraid the pipes would burst from the below 0 temperatures and had to move heaters around in the garage and not my little art room (which I usually keep pretty cozy). I am not the type to paint bundled up in a heatless room in Paris! Ha ha.