Monday, April 8, 2024


 A few more of the portraits.  Each instructor picks his/her own muse and then does it in an individual way.  Some want to do monochromatic paintings, some stress the design of light and dark, some just go in with colors.  

One of my favorite teachers is Dritan Duro.  He explains things so well and you can follow along fairly easily with him without getting lost.  

He usually picks a straight-forward portrait but an interesting face to paint.  His version is much more bold and colorful than mine but I’m not unhappy with my version.

Kyle Legaspi picks some interesting portraits to do - this time focusing on the almost monochrome and shadowed portrait.  I didn’t get it right but that’s okay.

And Ana Vivian just went totally monochromatic for this old-timey one.  She used Arches paper and I was using my Hahnemuehle paper (which kept the water in there a loooong time so I was getting impatient with it).  

These courses always teach me something and I can carry that learning on to the next thing after April (can’t believe it’s only just begun with the 30 faces/30 days!

I do not try to free hand draw these photos because it’s about the painting style and technique, not the drawing…that would just add too much stress trying to get a likeness (some of the teachers even say they trace of project the photo on their paper and don’t spend time drawing; others draw the portrait out and spend time drawing the face). 


laura said...

These are great, Rhonda--each and every one! This challenge really suits you!

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, I enjoy them and learn a bit each time, whether I care for the lesson itself, or not. Some I think about doing again, but, of course, never do!!

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

These are amazing! The way the focus is so different each time must keep you on your toes but what a collection you will have at the end. My favourite is the top one the lighting hits the sweet spot for me - especially on the glasses.

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks so much, Lisa. It is different each time and sometimes I can get close, but other times, the teacher just has a totally different style I cannot immulate!