Sunday, October 11, 2020



Sometimes you just need to play and enjoy the paint doing it’s thing.  October brings out the yellows, golds, oranges and reds and that’s what I played with here on a half sheet from my Strathmore Visual Journal (140# watercolor cold press).  

This little painting was made after watching the latest Strathmore online lessons (free) about watercolor and lettering.  My lettering is not beautiful or elegant, but it’s the way I do it.  The saying comes from Angela Fehr, who gives online lessons, too and I’m signed up for her Watercolor Mastery course right now - a 3 month course to try to break through into the next level!!  And lots of play and experimentation. So, I may be absent for a while unless I have little things to share.

Take care, enjoy your fall (or spring) weather and stay safe, wherever you are.  Keep painting, writing, creating, living!!


martinealison said...

Bonjour chère amie,
Je pense ne pas être la seule à avoir délaisser peu à peu les blogs, j'essaie de faire vivre le mien, plus au même rythme toutefois.
Aujourd'hui, je constate que cela me manque...
C'est un véritable plaisir que d'admirer vos dernières oeuvres.
Facebook est un excellent support, soit mais ne remplace pas la belle intimité des blogs...

Gros bisous,

Debbie Nolan said...

Like you Rhonda I enjoy playing with paint. Sometimes we don't have to create a masterpiece to feel like we are artists. When we give ourselves time to just enjoy the process we learn so much. Enjoy your art lessons with Angela Fehr. I follow her on You Tube and adore how she paints so freely. Take care and have a great day.