Another in the Bee Series paintings. Haven't used the painted rice paper yet but thinking about how to incorporate that into another painting...
For this one, I copied some materials I got through the mail and then collaged the copied paper onto the watercolor paper around the painted bee. Not sure what to name it - so the working title is just Pesticides Kill.
If I am going to have a show using these, I need to start making some in other sizes. Right now, the majority of paintings are fourth sheet (11 x 15 inches). Maybe next one will be a full sheet or half sheet again. I haven't had a migraine in 4 days. For every day of migraine, the next day is also bad - I feel drugged (whether I took anything for the migraine or not) and achy from the tense muscles. So 14 days so far this month and I am hoping October is better.
Added some rice paper (white) to the edges of the "quilt" pieces and then added white gouache to that to make it stand out more. A bit of texture to add interest. All done. Fourth sheet (11 x 15") Fabriano coldpress watercolor paper. Bee Quilt
I stained some of the white rice paper with Quinacridone Gold to use in the next painting... Not sure how it's going to be used, but I like the organic look of it...we'll see...
Started another in the Bee Series paintings. This one, called Bee Quilt and I haven't decided yet what to add to it within the "squares" but I'll come up with some collage or something...perhaps add some texture with string? Ideas will be percolating for a while. I haven't been painting much at all this month - migraines coming 1-2 times a week have kept me off kilter. Because of that, I'm limiting my time on the computer down to just a couple times a week for short periods of time. I'm trying many things to help get rid of these blue meanie migraines, and hoping they go away soon. Hope you all are enjoying your September, and are being creative this month.
Hawks are coming to are area. I have a lot of feeders so I have a lot of birds - cardinals, bluejays, nuthatches, goldfinches, house finches, chicadees, mourning doves, etc. It's a buffet for a strong predator. Everyone has to eat. Aren't they gorgeous creatures? This Cooper's Hawk was taking a cooling dip in the water standing on the swimming pool cover (we put mosquito dunks in there so the neighbors don't burn us at the stake about breeding mosquitoes; tablets tossed in once a month gets rid of the larvae). It is being drained today since we are going to have more rain this evening. Anyway...
When I glance outside and see no birds at the feeders, or hear the bluejays squawking, I know a hawk is close by. This one was right on the deck railing, turning his/her head to stare at me when I looked out. Big Red-shouldered hawk. Notice the different back feather patterns and the difference in the color of the eyes to help distinguish between the hawks that come to our area = Red-Tailed, Red-Shouldered, Cooper's, etc.
Going from big to small... We have a family (or two) of hummingbirds. I've seen two males, one (or two) females, and a couple of smaller young ones, all coming and feeding at the two sugar water feeders I've put out. Set out two if you see them fighting over a single feeder and make sure the second feeder is out of sight of the first = on the opposite side of the deck = cuts down on the territorial behavior and everyone gets to eat.
Saw a disheartening article in USA Today online just a few days ago: A town in South Carolina sprayed for Zika, killing thousands (if not millions) of honeybees in the process! The beekeepers were sharing the photos of the bees lying dead on the ground, at the entrance to the hives, etc. The insecticide is toxic and they are spraying it all over from planes without warning people to bring in their pets or children, and from large trucks that arrive in the middle of the night (like they did here locally). And, of course, the insecticide kills things other than mosquitoes - like honeybees, butterflies, etc. Are humans really so stupid?
I know this is a real worry to a lot of people right now - and we have had reports of people with Zika here (who have come home with it from outside the US). I know it's in the Miami region and will move up and around. But can we not think, research and get good information before county or city bigwigs say, "Spray it all now"???
So this has made me want to return to my bee series paintings...which I am doing.
So sad...
Used Daniel Smith Walnut Ink on parts of the bees in the final version. Used a stick because the dip pens just didn't work for me.
Would there be walnuts...and walnut ink if there were no bees?
Water is great for those of us who work in watermedia of all kinds. But it's not so great when it's being pushed towards our homes by a hurricane. I am wishing and hoping that all in the southeast are staying safe from this Hermine coming your way. And hoping the same for Hawaii because there are 2 hurricanes out there in your area.
Stay safe and go to high ground, if needed. Be careful out there!!