Most of the time, when I am drawn to a painting, it is because of the strong values and then the colors. If your values don't work, it doesn't matter how great your colors are.
As Hazel Soan says in her book, The Essence of Watercolor, "The hue of a colour may lead the heart, but the mind is persuaded by tone."

I will do a complete painting, using color, next. Hopefully, the Notan studies before painting will help me keep good darks and lights. Hopefully, my students will enjoy this and learn from the lesson on Notan.
If you have problems getting your darks deep and rich enough, try this technique prior to painting and see if it helps. As Red Green says, "We're all in this together."
As Hazel Soan says in her book, The Essence of Watercolor, "The hue of a colour may lead the heart, but the mind is persuaded by tone."
This is the swan finished by putting down limited colors over the sepia underpainting.

I will do a complete painting, using color, next. Hopefully, the Notan studies before painting will help me keep good darks and lights. Hopefully, my students will enjoy this and learn from the lesson on Notan.
If you have problems getting your darks deep and rich enough, try this technique prior to painting and see if it helps. As Red Green says, "We're all in this together."
Painting, notan--whatever; this is beautiful. Your students are fortunate.
Rhonda, these swan paintings are wonderful! Thank you for sharing the technique, I may have to try it.
Great finish to this study. Your student are so lucky to have an instructor like you.
Good idea, and the painting turned out well.
Your swan is gorgeous. You really captured the feel and sense of movement.
I really like the concept of notan and use it also when having difficulty working out my values.
Love the way you've done the water, Rhonda. You can see right through it!
A beautiful swan! I love the colors and values. I can't wait to see what you do next with it.
Thanks so much, Hallie, Jane, Vicki and Deb, for your comments on this one. More to come later...
Thanks, Carol and Sherry!
Shirley, thanks for your comments and thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
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