Our son-in-law sent me 2 photos of our new grandkitten, Blur, and challenged me to a Draw the Kitten contest. Since I'd just received my new drawing supplies from Daniel Smith (a new sketchbook and walnut ink with bamboo pen), I tried that first. That ink takes some getting used to - or maybe it's the bamboo pen; but you can see the blobs of ink in places that wouldn't move.

The second one is done on Mi-Teintes paper with pastels. I never use pastels but thought I'd try them since I wanted to get some of Blur's color in and not just do a graphite sketch.
Blur has tiger stripes, a long, thin, straight tail and the biggest ears!! He was named Blur due to the fact that he's usually just seen as a blur in the room :)
Happy Birthday, Chris!
How fun:) The top one looks like a great french vintage card. Isn't it fun to play with new art supplies:)
Wonderful job!! I can't decide which is my favorite. I really like the first one, yet the second one is great too, you really captured the fur.
Oh these are indeed delightful! By your description you've captured Blur perfectly!
Hello Rhonda:) Oh those little ones are so cute with their big ears:) I love them both, they are so spontaneous. The upper one is my fav. Love it!
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment, Carrie. I know you are a busy lady!
Thanks, Jane, Sherry, and Renate. Blur is a cutie but I don't think I captured him exactly - I would have done better in graphite; but maybe he'll be a subject again some time (in watercolor)! He does look like a bat with those big ears.
Love both of these Rhonda, I think trying out the new stuff gave them a lovely fresh quality - including the blobs!
Happy Birthday to all your August babies (I'm another one:)!
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