Worked a bit more on the painting of the peeps. I'm enjoying this - how could you not enjoy the colors and all? I think it's done - or pretty close to it. I would like to get that sugared look to the birds - maybe wet and drop in fine popcorn salt?
Half sheet (15" x 22") Fabriano hotpress 140# paper.
And for those who asked about the new haircut, I've had Sweetie take some photos of the cut and showing off the new glasses. You can tell how thick my glasses are by the distortion on the side of the face :( No getting over it - every 2 years the bifocals must be stronger...aging, but not always gracefully!

My hair is not red - I think it showed up that way because of the white balance on the camera. He changed it and used a flash later but I like the one smiling better than those not smiling.
(Although, honestly, I'm getting to the stage where I really don't want to look at photos of myself so the bottom photo is the best! ha ha)
Half sheet (15" x 22") Fabriano hotpress 140# paper.
And for those who asked about the new haircut, I've had Sweetie take some photos of the cut and showing off the new glasses. You can tell how thick my glasses are by the distortion on the side of the face :( No getting over it - every 2 years the bifocals must be stronger...aging, but not always gracefully!

My hair is not red - I think it showed up that way because of the white balance on the camera. He changed it and used a flash later but I like the one smiling better than those not smiling.
(Although, honestly, I'm getting to the stage where I really don't want to look at photos of myself so the bottom photo is the best! ha ha)
Rhonda are stylin'
Can I eat those peeps now??????
HI Rhonda,
The 'peeps' are so cute. And I love seeing your picture with new hair-thanks for showing us! Happy weekend.
Carol, I don't think that's in my vocabulary anymore but I think my new more stylish glasses help a bit :) Those peeps are long gone - from last spring and I didn't eat a single one (they are my Sweetie's candies).
Jane, thanks, I'm glad you like the peeps and the haircut :) Of course, I can never get it to look like my stylist does so it doesn't look that way now! ha ha
Rhonda first of all ...good to see you!!! And you look great!
Your peeps are looking good too, I can understand if they didn't last long.
Rhonda....those Peeps are going to be awesome...happy continued painting!
Great hair cut, it looks very manageable and stylish.
Peeps! They're cute to paint and draw but I think they are disgusting to eat. You couldn't pay me
I like the composition you used and they're very well done. Perhaps a deeper background to really push them forward?
Actually I found a package of Peeps that I'd bought last year in my studio. Nope they don't degrade one iota, scary huh? I did a painting last year, I think it was last year. Must try another composition with the little sugary blobs.
The peeps are cute but you look FABULOUS!!!
Thanks so much, Jane and Julie :)
Jeanette, I thought it was you who did a peeps painting last year - seems like a daily painter is doing some and I even found some in oils 4" x 4" that are all sold - I guess they appeal to others to look at even if they don't eat them?
Thanks, Gaylynn! You are too kind!
Cute! You're ageless, dahlink. New glasses and do are fab.
Cute! You're ageless, dahlink. New glasses and do are fab.
Dear Rhonda,
I love cute chicks, weldone!!
You and your hair style look very nice. I wish I could make quick portaits of all my blog friends:). Should be fun...or the end of friendship??!
Cheers, Sadami
Suzanne, ah, I wish I was ageless! ha ha
Sadami, if you want to have a go at my portrait, you have my permission and you won't lose a friend!! I've often thought of doing that, too - taking the photos of my artist friends and painting them but I'm not that good yet (I would lose friends)!!
What a fun painting! I love the Peeps! Fine salt may do the trick. I'd experiment first on a piece of similar scrap watercolor paper, just to be sure. I like to eat Peeps...but they have to be stale. I know, weird.
Great photos of The Famous Rhonda Carpenter! The Peeps pix are cute - love, love, love the titles!!!
Rhonda--There's your new icon right there. Picture No.1. What an engaging beautiful smile. Great hair whatever color it is. You're gorgeous. I had to laugh when I saw the glasses shot and explanation. My wife is going through the exact same thing--choosing the new style glasses with the right ear pieces. "I want em modern like the girls at work not all frumpy like these," she says.The new hairdo was last week. And we're making headway narrowing down the frames--getting closer by the week.
Thanks, Gretchen. I like the stale peeps, too - don't care for the soft, mushy ones!
Deb, thanks - famous, I hardly think so!!
Bill, you are toooo kind! This old lady is feeling her age but still trying to keep up with the 30-somethings. Did you see the icon in the upper right? I tricked out some Elizabeth Taylor violet eyes :) ha ha
Love your peeps painting and I really love your haircut. I especially love the one of you smiling. YOU'RE ADORABLE!
Thanks, Carol :) Glad you like the peeps and hope you enjoy the next ones - and, at 54, I'll take "adorable!" ha ha
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