On a half sheet of Fabriano hotpress 140# paper, I drew the iris freehand using the photo as a guide. Then masked off some areas and splattered masking fluid around the painting. Then began with the background wall. I like that rough texture and used some Lunar Earth, Goethite, and a touch of Irridescent Copper there to get the granulation and variety of colors - tossed in some Bismuth Yellow to brighten it up a bit here and there.
This is where I am tonight. More tomorrow, I hope. Then I'll remove the masking fluid on the iris and begin painting some areas there as well as finish the stems and leaves. I'm enjoying dropping color in, wet-in-wet and then touching in more water to get a mottled effect - a technique I learned from Nick Simmons and actually remembered.
This is lookin' good. I am struggling with mine but will keep plugging. Working with a huge water blossum right now. Not a wanted one.
Norena, I think the trick is to work small...just a bit at a time and then step back and make sure you haven't done too much :) Thanks for the comment!
Rhonda, what interesting colors you have used! I can see the water blossoms on the stem...very effective! I love the effect!
Christiane, I'm playing with the hotpress, working wet-in-wet and even dropping water into the areas after the paint is there...it creates that look of blotchiness and texture. I'm glad you enjoy it, I do, too.
Like that background - interesting colors.
Thanks, Ann :)
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